Doug McKee is first and foremost a husband and father. He and his wife Lori have 5 children and reside in the Great State of Arizona where they enjoy the beautiful outdoors all year around. Hunting, fishing, camping and attending the various sporting events that their children participate in are just some of the things that engage the McKee family. Doug is also an unapologetic freedom loving, American Patriot.
His love of Arizona and these United States drove his candidacy for both the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives. His campaign not only advocated for a strict adherence to the Constitution as it was written but, also in the spirit in which it was written. He travels to virtually every part of Arizona sharing his vision and hopes of restoring this republic to greatness by simply applying our founding principles to all levels of government.
Doug believes in the politics of unity; that political discourse should be built upon and centered around a uniquely American idea shared by all of us on both sides of the aisle … that of individual freedom; that good leadership should provide for an environment in which respectful, civil discourse replaces the corrosive, divisive rhetoric that currently dominates Washington politics; rhetoric that does nothing more than further alienating the American People.
His ambition is to reunite the American People by re-introducing those visions that our Founding Fathers had for this amazing republic; visions of freedom, prosperity, liberty, justice, and strength through a free market economy with a central government who’s primary functions are to protect the rights of the people and to provide an atmosphere that encourages, and inspires us all to want to shoot for the stars and become our best selves while never forgetting to help those in need.
His strong passion for our founding principles puts him at odds with Socialist ideals. He believes that the Representative Constitutional Republic that our Forefathers set up for us is the only way that we can truly be free, to prosper and be happy. Doug believes that Socialism steals the “self” and leads the individual into a sea of mediocrity and despair . He believes that the emergence of big government social programs such as Obamacare threaten to destroy the very essence of who we are and if The American Spirit is no longer, freedom will have lost it’s last refuge and the earth, it’s only shining ray of hope.
Doug McKee is an Arizonan who is committed to working tirelessly to protect the rights and the freedoms that are so dear to us and ensuring that they are preserved for and enjoyed by our children and their children for generations on end.
Doug has a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science. His passions are International Relations and Political Economy; his love is for this Republic and he is known to carry a copy of the U.S. Constitution wherever he goes.
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