Blog Archives

“…Except As To the Places of Choosing Senators.”

Dear Liberty; The most ridiculous argument that I have ever heard regarding the Constitutionality of the 17th amendment was the fact that it was ratified.  I actually had someone hang their hat on that flat and banal statement, then blink

Posted in Repeal of 17th Amendment

William Randolph Hearst: Media Magnate, Millionarie and…Socialist?

Dear Liberty In order to truly and effectively conquer a culture, it is important to eliminate or, at the very least, rewrite their history. Within one generation, a mere 25 years, their traditions, beliefs and practices will literally fade into

Posted in Repeal of 17th Amendment

How the 17th Amendment Has Destroyed This Republic

Dear Liberty; I can think of no other call for public action that is more important to the survival of this republic than that of the immediate restoration of state’s rights.  Our Constitution ensured that each state would remain a sovereign

Posted in Repeal of 17th Amendment

Repeal and Liberate

Dear Liberty; There is no doubt in my mind that this is by far the most lawless and unconstitutional administration in the history of this republic. Woodrow Wilson could have only dreamed of getting away with such blatant, grotesque and

Posted in Repeal of 17th Amendment

Divide and Conquer

 Dear Liberty; The most effective way to overcome an enemy is to slowly divide them up, set them in opposition to one another, then sit back and watch them destroy themselves.  Through history this has been a technique known as

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Economics 101

Dear Liberty; Someone once told me that you couldn’t run the government like it was a business… sadly, this individual was one of my college Political Science professors and needless to say, I spent the next several minutes offering my

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Dear Liberty; You and I both know that Socialism is built on a whole host of “good ideas” that just aren’t realistic. It’s based on the ideology of promising to provide the necessities of life and promoting prosperity and then

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Lights Out On the Free Market

Dear Liberty; I need your help. I read that the economist Fredric Bastiat said the following:  “Economies don’t create jobs and wealth on net by destroying things that are working well or with unproductive busy work.  All these jobs have

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The Greatest Trick Ever Played

Dear Liberty; It has been said that the most effective thing that Satan ever did was to convince the world that he didn’t exist. This “trick” is effective because when people stop believing in him, they stop believing in his

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Is It Constitutional?

Dear Liberty; Something has occurred to me, something so simple and subtle yet so devious and cunning. For years I have listened as our legislators and members of the mainstream media have tried their very best to convince the American

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