Blog Archives

The Restoration of America

Dear Liberty;  The Progressive is a misguided, gullible dunce with the political aptitude of a lemming. Progressivism is their  politics if not their religion; it is built upon a platform of foolishness with a limited understanding of human nature; then

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Enough Hope and Change

Dear Liberty; Who was it who decided that we needed to undo everything that our Forefathers set in motion for us? Our Founders had the foresight and the courage to separate this nation from the rest of the world by

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Never Give Up Hope, Even If the Light of Freedom Appears to Fade

Dear Liberty; Please help me spread the word throughout this beautiful republic that hope is not lost and that the love of God and country will never be taken from the hearts of the American People…that someone, very soon, is going to stand up to once

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A Nation Conceived In Liberty

Dear Liberty; By the time that you read this, our nation will already be foundering.  I write to you with the hope that you might fortify the fine people of this republic with the wisdom and insight that you so

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Where is Our Red Line In the Sand?

Dear Liberty Americans need to understand that tyranny is very rarely forced upon a people at the tip of a sharp sword but slowly and incrementally, through a promise to relieve the people from specific burdens or fears in exchange

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Divide and Conquer

 Dear Liberty; The most effective way to overcome an enemy is to slowly divide them up, set them in opposition to one another, then sit back and watch them destroy themselves.  Through history this has been a technique known as

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Economics 101

Dear Liberty; Someone once told me that you couldn’t run the government like it was a business… sadly, this individual was one of my college Political Science professors and needless to say, I spent the next several minutes offering my

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Dear Liberty; You and I both know that Socialism is built on a whole host of “good ideas” that just aren’t realistic. It’s based on the ideology of promising to provide the necessities of life and promoting prosperity and then

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Lights Out On the Free Market

Dear Liberty; I need your help. I read that the economist Fredric Bastiat said the following:  “Economies don’t create jobs and wealth on net by destroying things that are working well or with unproductive busy work.  All these jobs have

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The Greatest Trick Ever Played

Dear Liberty; It has been said that the most effective thing that Satan ever did was to convince the world that he didn’t exist. This “trick” is effective because when people stop believing in him, they stop believing in his

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